A logical question would be, "Why are you two young married folks packing your bags and moving to Romania for two years?" We think that is a great question and are delighted to be able to tell you!
By God's grace, He has changed these two sinner's hearts. Before the Lord regenerated us, we were absolutely opposed to God in our sin. We had rebelled against our Creator and Judge. We hated him and despised His authority over our lives. We deserved eternal, infinite punishment for our sin against a holy God. Since He can by no means allow sin into His presence, we have a problem. Someone must be punished. By the amazing wisdom, kindness, and providence of God himself, He decided before the foundation of the world, to send His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world as a sacrifice for sinners. Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man, yet he was absolutely sinless! He lived a perfectly sinless life and was crucified upon the cross as a substitute for sinners like us. Jesus Christ fully bore the wrath of God that we deserved! Not only that, but Jesus Christ rose from the dead, which declares that God fully accepted his sacrifice in our place.
This is our only hope; God looks upon Christ in our place. We believe that God no longer sees us as opposed to him in our rebellion, but God sees Christ’s perfect righteousness instead of our sin! It is this good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we trust in and are excited to tell others about! We hope and pray that those of you who are reading this, that are not believers, would turn from your sin and put your faith in Jesus Christ. This is the one, true, essential message you will hear in your entire life!
We are passionate about the gospel and because we know it is Truth and the only way to salvation, God has given us a desire for others to know it too! We know we do not need to go to Romania to do this; there are plenty of non-Christians here in Knoxville that need the Lord just as much as the Romanians. With this in mind, we have sought the Lord in prayer, and with the wisdom of our pastors and local church, we have felt the Lord confirm that this is where we should go and what we should do. We’ll fill you in on the details of exactly what we’ll be doing later…
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