Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What God was doing at camp

English Camp 2008 was a time where we saw the Lord mightily at work in students’ hearts! Thank you all for your faithful prayers. The American Team arrived one evening and by the next day, we all arrived at camp to prepare for the students. As soon as the students arrive, things are quickly rolling and there is non-stop action until departure for home.

The English discussions, apologetics activity, and drama at the camp conclusion all seemed to be key areas that served to spark discussions about the gospel with these students. There were various in-depth conversations about the gospel that took place as a result of these activities. Some students were affected more than others. It seems that the Lord is providing fertile soil here for seeds to be planted. Please pray that as seeds are planted, the Lord would bring forth a harvest and would regenerate hearts for His glory!

One thing we are very grateful for is the American Team and all of their preparation and hard work throughout the past few months. We were specifically encouraged by how God sovereignly drew each of the Americans to come and how He used every one of them individually and as a whole. Individually, they were able to have conversations with students that we simply were not able to talk to because of time or because we were in a different group from them. As a whole, they were a shining example of Jesus Christ and how He laid down His life to serve. This is also a perfect example of how the various parts of the body work together to serve the church! Every year, I am amazed at how everyone loves serving together and does whatever possible to make the activities enjoyable for the students. Thank you for laying down your lives for the sake of the gospel!

Along with what is evidently spiritual in nature, we are thankful to God for the many relationships He blessed at camp. One week is not nearly enough time to develop deep relationships with everyone we met, but thankfully we have the whole year to meet with and share the gospel with these students. The Lord especially blessed two friendships for Paul and a couple for me as well. We anticipate how the Lord will grow these friendships in the coming year.

If you would like to know more specific details about what happened at camp, please provide us with your email address and we will add you to the prayer update email list.


I am excited to hear that God was at work in your midst!

Be praying for us here at VFC as you are well aquainted with 'Welcome Week' and the mission of VFC. We (selfishly) want all the prayer that we can get!


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