Hey there everybody!
We just got back from English Camp a couple of days ago, and I wanted to share a little bit about what actually happened by taking you through a typical day and showing pictures of the activities.
Every morning would start off with devotions where we would worship and hear a short devotional from one of the leaders.

Afterwards we had breakfast. (I only mention the meal because Thorn’s sausage man, held here by Daniel was hilarious.)
At 10am the English classes began. The first half of the class consisted of games and more of a grammar teaching focus. The second part of the class was a reading and discussion time where we discussed themes associated with the stories of Jacob and Joseph found in Genesis.
We finished the classes in time to break for our three-course lunch. After lunch we had free time, which was supposed to be used for sports, but there are a lot of sports that are hard to play when there is no flat ground. One of the main attractions during free time became the zip line, which was headed up by Razvan, Dash and Thorn. I got to help a little bit with it as well, which was great, because that meant I got to ride it an extra time.
At 5pm we started our afternoon activities, which were apologetics, dancing and art. The apologetics discussion this year was led by Ryan. He propsed an idea for the discussion which was to ask the students at the beginning of camp, “If you could ask God one question, what would it be?” We took the student supplied questions and discussed them during apologetics. I think this yielded more fruitful discussions than in past years.
In dancing, Jared and Naomi taught both regular swing and the Charleston to the students. We used the Charleston several times during the week, and I always felt like a loser because I was never in class to learn how to do it. One night Cris and I were supposed to dance the Charleston in a skit, but it wasn’t working so we did swing instead.
Art was led by Michelle. The students were decorating simple composition notebooks to make them into something that the could hold on to, and that they could use to sign a the banquet at the end of camp.
After dinner we got back together for evening activities, which were different every day. The first night we played lots of games, like this game wher ethe object is to smash the other people's ballons while keeping yours intact.

On movie night we watched “The Great Gatsby.”
The “Gangsta Games” consisted of various fun events thought up by Thorn, Chapman and Kati. This is the game prisoner escape."

We had fun at the Starbuck/Open Mike Karaoke Night. This is Julian, Florin and Aurel singing, "It's My Life."
There was the first ever mystery dinner theater, “The Cat’s Pajamas"
And finally we had our banquet.
However, my two favorite parts of camp were the Amazing Race, and the hike we took on the last morning. The Amazing Race was a very long scavenger hunt up, down, and all around the mountains that the lodge was located around. My team came in second after returning first, because the other team had a time bonus to win. I would estimate that we walked 12 miles in the 4.5 hours of the race. It was long, but it was also very beautiful.

The morning we left 13 of us woke up and met at 5am and climbed to the top of Dilham, a small mountain in the Bucegi mountains, and saw some beautiful things. I really enjoyed this hike, and it really makes me want to do more hiking here, because these mountains are much more intense than the Smokies.

We just got back from English Camp a couple of days ago, and I wanted to share a little bit about what actually happened by taking you through a typical day and showing pictures of the activities.
Every morning would start off with devotions where we would worship and hear a short devotional from one of the leaders.
Afterwards we had breakfast. (I only mention the meal because Thorn’s sausage man, held here by Daniel was hilarious.)
At 10am the English classes began. The first half of the class consisted of games and more of a grammar teaching focus. The second part of the class was a reading and discussion time where we discussed themes associated with the stories of Jacob and Joseph found in Genesis.
We finished the classes in time to break for our three-course lunch. After lunch we had free time, which was supposed to be used for sports, but there are a lot of sports that are hard to play when there is no flat ground. One of the main attractions during free time became the zip line, which was headed up by Razvan, Dash and Thorn. I got to help a little bit with it as well, which was great, because that meant I got to ride it an extra time.
At 5pm we started our afternoon activities, which were apologetics, dancing and art. The apologetics discussion this year was led by Ryan. He propsed an idea for the discussion which was to ask the students at the beginning of camp, “If you could ask God one question, what would it be?” We took the student supplied questions and discussed them during apologetics. I think this yielded more fruitful discussions than in past years.
In dancing, Jared and Naomi taught both regular swing and the Charleston to the students. We used the Charleston several times during the week, and I always felt like a loser because I was never in class to learn how to do it. One night Cris and I were supposed to dance the Charleston in a skit, but it wasn’t working so we did swing instead.
Art was led by Michelle. The students were decorating simple composition notebooks to make them into something that the could hold on to, and that they could use to sign a the banquet at the end of camp.
After dinner we got back together for evening activities, which were different every day. The first night we played lots of games, like this game wher ethe object is to smash the other people's ballons while keeping yours intact.
On movie night we watched “The Great Gatsby.”
The “Gangsta Games” consisted of various fun events thought up by Thorn, Chapman and Kati. This is the game prisoner escape."
We had fun at the Starbuck/Open Mike Karaoke Night. This is Julian, Florin and Aurel singing, "It's My Life."
There was the first ever mystery dinner theater, “The Cat’s Pajamas"
And finally we had our banquet.
However, my two favorite parts of camp were the Amazing Race, and the hike we took on the last morning. The Amazing Race was a very long scavenger hunt up, down, and all around the mountains that the lodge was located around. My team came in second after returning first, because the other team had a time bonus to win. I would estimate that we walked 12 miles in the 4.5 hours of the race. It was long, but it was also very beautiful.
The morning we left 13 of us woke up and met at 5am and climbed to the top of Dilham, a small mountain in the Bucegi mountains, and saw some beautiful things. I really enjoyed this hike, and it really makes me want to do more hiking here, because these mountains are much more intense than the Smokies.
Finally, the camp conclusion featured a testimony by Catalin of how God worked in his life, along with this very well done drama that a large part of the American team put on.
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