Well, we just got word that we need to move out! The owner of our apartment is moving back to Craiova and needs her place. One thing that is encouraging is that there really are evidences of the Lord in this situation. The first is that in order to apply for our visa, we need an apartment contract in our name. Because Razvan and Oana were so kind to find a place for us before we got here, our current contract is in their name, so we would have to get that changed anyway. The second is that we will probably get a bit of money refunded and the owner is going to help us pay for the agency fee, (which we had to pay to get our apartment) since she is the one who is breaking the contract. The third is that Paul and I would really like to live closer to the big park. Currently it is about a 25 minute walk, but we go there at least 4 times per week. It is a great place for spending time with the Lord, as well as exercise, and meeting students. We love it!
I just spoke to Olivia (one of my best friends here) on the phone and she is also planning on moving soon. The plan is to go apartment hunting together!
We know the Lord will provide for us, but please pray we can find a place soon. We have three weeks to move out. Basically, we need to move out before the Festival of Tabernacles (a retreat taken by proDEO from September 19-21), and then when we come back from the retreat, we need to leave the country because our 3 month visa expires on October 1. That would be another prayer request. We can't do anything to progress with our visa application until we get this new apartment contract in our names, then we need to make a trip to Bucharest to get some form, and then do a few more things here in Craiova. Sounds complex, I know.
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