Well, as many of you know, we moved recently. There was a situation that came up that required our past owner to move back to Craiova for a while, and she needed her apartment back. We understood and began to look for a new place. This apartment is still near the center of town, but about a 10 minute walk, which is great for us because we generally meet students in the Center or the big park. The location is wonderful and a bit more peaceful that where we were previously. Also, this apartment is a little bit bigger, which will allow us to be more hospitable, something we are both very excited about! Right now, we have one couch and enough room for another. Another missionary family in the city are offering to let us borrow an extra couch they have for the duration of our stay. What a huge blessing! Once we get that down their 4 flights of stairs, across town, and up our 4 flights of stairs, we can have more people over! I vote for Dutch Blitz (a popular card game here) and some hot chocolate! Enjoy the photos!
Kitchen Balcony
Living room: photo 1
Living room: photo 2
My husband, drinking cappuccino from our pretend mugs
Can you believe that you live in Romania??? I can't believe it has already been a month since we've been in MD...I am still pinching myself! Glad you guys found a place!
You guys actually have a shower curtain!!!
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