One pillowcase from our bed decided that it didn't want to be part of our lives anymore, and we are sad. We always tried to show it love and respect, but apparently it wasn't enough. The pillowcase decided to leave us.
Here is what happened: Cris was hanging our laundry out to dry on Friday. She didn't know that the pillowcase was hiding in the corner of our fitted sheet, just waiting to make the jump. She strectched the sheet out to dry, and I saw the wily little guy leave us, and fall out of sight.

I assumed that the pillowcase had fallen from our fifth floor balcony to the ground. I underestimated the pillowcase. If it had fallen to the ground, we would be able to easily rescue it and bring it home. It decided to stop one floor below us on another apartment's clotheslines.

How are we supposed to get the pillowcase? It is still four stories above the ground. It is more difficult to ask for help from someone you don't know here, because we don't speak Romanian yet. This called for an engineer.

I have two trekking ploes in our apartment. My idea was to move the pillowcase off the line with the trekking pole and make it fall to the ground.

This wasn't the most comfortable position, but we did succeed in moving the pillowcase a little bit. Cris and I wondered, do we have anything longer than the trekking pole? It turns out that we did - our shower curtain rod. We lowered it off the balcony to try to rescue the pillowcase, and were able to move it even more. In fact, we moved it so far to the edge that it got hung on a bolt on the edge of the clothes rod.

Now we needed a hook to pick it up. I fastened a piece of metal bent like a hook to the shower curtain rod...

but we were unable to really grab the pillowcase. We tried one last time by attaching two trekking poles together with a rubber band, but to no avail. Our pillowcase got a really good grip on that bolt, and we couldn't get it off.
Today we tired what any sensible person would do, go and ask. However, we got no answer. They weren't home. From the looks of their balcony, it doesn't look like anyone actually lives there. I have no idea if we will ever be able to get our pillowcase back. It has already survived a thunderstorm and still it clings to the bolt. We are sad. We always tried to care for it, but it seems that the pillowcase does not want us in its life anymore. The end.
P.S. We are hoping that Zach Varnell brings his fishing pole so we have a chance of reeling it back in. (hint hint)
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If I were there I could jump and get it...
Hehe. This post made me laugh :) But I really do hope you get it back. Maybe it just needed a vacation. You never know.
And I bet John really could get it if he jumped.
tehe! If John Kelfer were there he could get it huh?
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